A post-rock breakout star
Female fronted works have a tendency to stick to a narrative of dominance, pandering and promiscuity, leaving no room for a personal connection. Evi Vine’s music is so striking because it diverges from the path, instead focusing on the art of composition and storytelling. It’s refreshing and allows her heart-shattering brilliance to shine. Her English roots run strong in her work, holding true to London’s gloomy brand of music.
Evi Vine’s newest release, Black // Light // White // Dark, features six songs with a collective runtime of 40 minutes. Some tracks keep it short and sweet, while others reach lengths of eleven minutes. No matter the length, each track delivers a story in which we’re treated to a beautifully renditioned work of art. Vine’s placid, lethargic tone invites the listener on a cinematic journey through a monochrome forest.
The record’s first track, “I Am The Waves,” stands at the water’s edge to remind you of the strength in softness and silence—a lesson that continues throughout each song. “Afterlight” follows, with war-like drums and Warhol-like synths. It’s here that inspirations of Bauhaus start to peak through. Vine also sites NIN as an inspiration, something that becomes apparent in the third track “Sabbath” and the filth track “We Are Made Of Stars.”
Not only do these two songs possess Trent Reznor’s essence, but the entire album is quite reminiscent of the energy Corey Taylor carries in his ballad performances. Each track hits the soul the way a good industrial inspired post band should. That idea becomes especially prevalent in the album’s fourth song, “My Only Son.” The sheer emotion of it is lip-quavering and tear-jerking. Touching on the point of personal connection, within this song Vine wears her heart on her sleeve. Her willingness to expose her vulnerabilities and lay out her feelings so openly and honestly marks her as a true standout.
“Sad Song No.9,” where the record finds its end, is a culmination of her influences and her best attributes. It’s a perfect example of how to lead off an album’s conclusion and leave listeners with something to remember. Black // Light // White // Dark captures doom metal’s apocalyptic energy while painting a poetically beautiful picture. There’s no doubt Evi Vine has a level of talent that deserves to cut through all of the industry’s noise.