Legendary musician Neil Young recently revealed that he will be reissuing a version of the album Ragged Glory. The album was released in 1990 with the help of the band Crazy Horse, one of the bands that Young has worked alongside over the course of his long career. One of the draws of this reissue is the previously unreleased material that Neil Young has stated will be released with the new version. The new release of the album will be titled Ragged Glory II, and will feature various tracks that were recorded with the original album, but never made it into the final version of the project. The album’s sound engineer, John Hanlon, found many of these old recordings recently and Young decided that they deserved a proper release. In recent years, one of Neil Young’s pet projects has been his streaming service, Xstream. He created this as a way to bring updated versions of his music to a new generations of listeners and released his entire catalog of music on the service in higher quality than much of it was ever in before. Included in this release was the Ragged Glory project.
The album Ragged Glory is most well known for its 10 minute track “Love To Burn,” which features Young and the band creating a musical journey that emphasized all the aspects of Neil Young’s music that made him as popular as he is. The track features guitar solos, Young’s well-respected vocals and an incredibly catchy beat. The record’s other 10 minute track is the slightly faster paced “Love and Only Love.” This track also draws upon the classic sounds of Neil Young and keeps listeners engaged for the entire length of the song, which is something that nearly all performers struggle with on such a long piece of music. Overall, the album was loved by fans in 1990 and will be once again loved by fans in 2019. While the exact release date of Ragged Glory II is unknown, it is currently slated for some time next year. Fans will have to be patient and wait for more updates as the year progresses, as it has not been confirmed whether the release will be digital, physical, or both.