Continually a classic
Anyone that loves alternative music knows that the Pixies played a part in some noteworthy moves needed in the world of music. Whether you only know “Where Is My Mind?” or if you are a die-hard Pixies fan, it is important to know that Come On Pilgrim and Surfer Rosa were reissued and are just as amazing as they were when the Pixies released them 30 years ago.
The group hasn’t released any new music since 2016, but since both Come On Pilgrim and Surfer Rosa are such classics, it makes sense that the group would do a special reissue, which is complete on amazingly beautiful vinyl. The thing about this reissue is that nothing was really changed or altered in the making of it. All of the great aspects of each respective album were preserved to be listened to and felt the same way they were intended to be three decades ago.
While listening to the reissue of both albums, it is easy to get lost in the nostalgia of it all. Come On Pilgrim was released as a mini-LP in 1987, but it was much more than that and it continues to be. As for Surfer Rosa, this album can probably be attributed with being one of the most formative debut albums in alternative rock at the time. On the reissue of both albums the importance is still obvious, as well as the whimsical feelings that come along with listening to the classic “Where Is My Mind?”
There is something great about pressing play on an album 30 years later and getting to experience it as if it were just released. One of the best things about a band like the Pixies is that while it might seem like it has a very niche sound made for a specific time in your life, its music is still really fitting even many years later. The reissue of the two albums together makes it even easier and more accessible for all listeners to experience this exact phenomenon.
The 30th-anniversary reissue of Come On Pilgrim and Surfer Rosa can either be looked at as reviving a love that you once felt for such iconic albums, or on the other hand, as an opportunity to immerse yourself into some of alternative rock’s most important tracks of the late ’80s. Regardless of which one it offers to you personally, it is safe to say that this special reissue is definitely what we all needed.