Singer Kesha has just unveiled her song “Here Comes the Change,” an acoustic, yet powerful and anthemic cut that takes influence from the similarly powerful protest songs of the 60s. The song will be featured in the upcoming movie about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Gisburg, titled “On the Basis of Sex.”
The song features writing from Kesha herself, alongside Drew Pearson and Stephen Wrabel, specifically for the film. The cut is a hopeful one, asking for humanity to change so “that if [she] had a child” that they may live to see a day when everyone may be considered equal.
Kesha also worked with the NPO HeadCount to create a lyric video for the song which encourages her fans to vote. “Together we can prove,” wrote Kesha in an essay for Refinery29, “to our leaders and the rest of the world that we will not tolerate challenges to equality and freedom in our country.”
The film, which stars Felicity Jones as a young Ginsburg, will be premiering this December, five months after Ginsburg’s 25th anniversary on the Supreme Court.
“I greatly admire Kesha’s artistry and commitment to activism,” said Mimi Leder, the director of “On the Basis of Sex.” “I wanted her to write this song because her passionate voice and immense talent magnify the social justice imperatives Ruth Bader Ginsburg continues to fight for every day. It was important to both of us that this song be not only an anthem to all that Ruth Bader Ginsburg achieved, but also a rallying cry for how much more change is yet to come.”
Check out the lyric video for “Here Comes the Change” below.
Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna