You may have read our article involving the news surrounding Sonic Youth’s Thurston Moore’s touring dates over the next couple of years. Now, as Brooklyn Vegan states, Moore has added more dates to his already gigantic tour.
Unlike his other tour dates, Moore’s new dates are a little unlike the earlier dates. The new dates, which are titled under the name “Thurston Moore presents New Noise Guitar Explorations.” These new dates will also include some older band members of Thurston Moore, which include Sonic Youth’s Steve Shelley and Moore’s solo act guitarist James Sedwards. As Brooklyn Vegan points out, the newer dates are designed in a different mode.
Sonic Youth founder Thurston Moore will present new extended instrumental compositions focusing on the 12-string electric guitar focusing on noise, beauty, action, fire and love. Thurston will be joined in trio by James Sedwards (UK) on 2nd 12-string electric guitar and Steve Shelley (USA) on drums. James has been playing in the Thurston Moore Group since 2014 featured on both The Best Day and Rock n Roll Consciousness recordings. Steve Shelley has been central to the history of Sonic Youth and is featured on most of Thurston’s recorded solo output. They will incinerate and levitate all concert halls, basements, opera houses and the outdoor pavilions of the planet Earth.
Moore’s first “New Noise” date will begin on November 15th in Brooklyn. Tickets go on sale this friday August 10. Purchase your tickets here. See all the announced dates below.
Thurston Moore — 2018 Tour Dates
9/19 The Chapel San Francisco, CA*
9/27 Zebulon Los Angeles, CA*
11/2 BSP Kingston, NY%
11/3 The State House New Haven, CT%
11/12 Art Institute Chicago, IL%
11/15 Elsewhere (Hall) Brooklyn, NY%
11/9 Walker Art Center Minneapolis, MN^
11/10 Walker Art Center Minneapolis, MN^
12/4 The New School’s Glass Box Theatre New York, NY
12/5 The New School’s Glass Box Theatre New York, NY
12/6 The New School’s Glass Box Theatre New York, NY
12/7 The New School’s Glass Box Theatre New York, NY
12/8 The New School’s Glass Box Theatre New York, NY
* – Free Improvisation Noise Music performed by Thurston Moore & David Toop
% – New Noise Guitar Explorations w/ James Sedwards & Steve Shelley
^ – Moore at 60