An exciting first release
There is something very nostalgic about everything that comes in contact with Finn Wolfhard, and his band’s EP Scout fits perfectly with the nostalgia backing his other well-known projects, Stranger Things and IT. Although it could be argued that Wolfhard is one of the most impressive teens in the limelight these days, the other three members of Calpurnia possess so much talent, it is hard to not be blown away by this band’s first release.
From start to finish, in just six songs, Calpurnia successfully takes the listener through a throwback and angst-ridden journey that just doesn’t seem like it is long enough. The EP starts off strong with the song “Louie,” which does a great job of breaking the ice. This song isn’t extreme in nature, but instead, it starts the EP off with a unique and fresh sound that might not be expected from a group of teenagers.
On the flip side, the second track on the album “Wasting Time” is a bit more energized in nature, yet just as impressive as the beginning track. In particular, the guitar work on this track starts to showcase the immense amount of talent Ayla Tesler-Mabe, guitarist, possesses. This song also has a certain amount of character to it that it is definitely an easy listen.
The nostalgia intensifies a bit in the song “City Boy,” which features a little bit of doo-wop style backing vocals, and not to mention an amazing guitar solo at the end of the song. Tesler-Mabe really showcases her talent the most here, making it one of the more stand-out tracks on the EP. Along with this, “City Boy” is overall just a fun song to listen to and it follows the feel of the EP while continuing to be its own track apart from the others.
“Blame” is a solid follow-up to “City Boy” due to the song structure. There is a certain feeling about this song that could best be described at first as being haunting, but as the song goes on it starts to change. The multiple tempo changes continue to change the feeling of the song throughout the duration, which makes “Blame” yet another song that possesses its own amount of uniqueness.
The song “Waves” wraps up the EP in a dreamy state, leaving the listener with the perfect amount of closure. Each song on the EP brings its own twist and personality with it and when put all together, it makes for a very strong first release for Calpurnia.