Proper Alternative-Rock
mastersystem released their debut album Dance Music and it is sure to get people talking about this newly formed band. Although the album is only nine songs long, there is plenty of strong attributes that demand to be talked about.
The album has a strong start with the song titled “Proper Home.” This energetic track hits the ground running and doesn’t stop until the very last second. There is a comforting feel to this track, as it fits perfectly into the alternative-rock expectations one might have. The drumbeat itself is enough to keep the attention of any listener and make them want more from the LP as a whole. The dramatics of this specific track brings to mind those of bands such as Manchester Orchestra, and it makes for an impressive intro to a debut album.
This strong energy carries through the album, with “The Enlightenment” being another strong track. This specific song stands out for the lyricism and emotion felt in the performance of the song itself. The strong emotion felt is projected onto the guitar work toward the end of the song, which does a great job of showcasing the immense talent of the group in just 50 seconds.
“Peaks & Throughs & Graves” keeps up the dramatic, alternative-rock vibe that has been heard previously on the album. However, this time around there is a bit more distortion in the instrumentals, which might not seem like a big deal, but it really contributes to the intensity of this specific track. This is one of those songs that when you hear it, you can’t help but feel like it would be even more amazing in a live setting because of how enjoyable it is to listen to based on the recording.
Just when you might think this album is beginning to all blend together, “A Waste of Daylight” starts and flips that idea on its head. The guitar work in the beginning of the song is enough on its own to make this track stand out from the others, but as the song progresses it is clear that every aspect of this song strays slightly from the rest of the album. There are so many levels to this track that it is definitely one that could be listened to multiple times without getting old.
The album finishes on as strong of a note as it began, with a slightly different vibe that makes it easy to tell the album is coming to a close. mastersystem did a swell job of setting the stage for what is to come for it as a band, all while making a very strong first impression.