Positive, uplifting and inspiring
Andrew W.K., the self-proclaimed “king of partying,” lives up to his name with his newest album. You’re Not Alone is fun, upbeat and perfectly representative of Andrew W.K.’s carefree lifestyle. This is his first album in almost nine years, and when asked about the hiatus, W.K. told Rolling Stone “the party gods would interfere, usually in very entertaining and exciting ways. They’d thwart my efforts to record.” The messages of each song are inspirational, and the album is filtered throughout with a couple speaking interludes, where W.K. gives the listeners uplifting advice. Filled with great instrumentals and ’80s inspired songs, You’re Not Alone is a fantastic album that will appeal to mass audiences.
You’re Not Alone begins with the short intro “The Power of Partying.” It has epic music, with “party” being chanted in the background. It’s a strange song, but nothing out of the ordinary for W.K. The album then launches into “Music is Worth Living For,” a beautifully titled rock anthem. The chorus repeats the title, and W.K.’s voice works perfectly for the mantra-like style of the message. The next song is “Never Again,” which breaks from the ’80s vibe that the majority of the album contains, and delves into an indie rock sound. With the “woahs” throughout, it’s a pretty standard song that could easily be played on most radio stations, but the lyrics keep it in the theme of rebellion and acceptance. “Now that I’ve found the answer/ I’m never going to lose my way/ ever again.”
You’re Not Alone is a long album, coming in at 16 songs that are all unique in their own ways, so it’s hard to pick the best song on the album. Some that could easily earn that title are “The Party Never Dies,” “Give Up On You” and “Total Freedom.” “The Party Never Dies” is loud and exhilarating. W.K.’s vocals reach impressive levels, and it’s a great anthem that can easily be sung along to. The instruments are probably some of the best on the album. “Give Up on You” comes immediately after “The Party Never Dies” and though it’s a unique song, the lyrics are beautiful. “We won’t give up on you/ or let you down/ if you need a friend.” The whole song is a message to the listeners about how like the title of the album says, they are not alone. It’s a song that honestly could make an impact on somebody’s life if they are struggling in any way.
Finally, “Total Freedom” starts off slower, with W.K.’s low vocals fitting perfectly with the light music. As the song builds to the chorus, W.K.’s voice rises and becomes melodic, before launching into the powerful chorus. It’s another song that could easily find it’s way onto a mainstream radio station, but that’s what makes it work so well. Much like the other songs on this album, it’s relatable and uplifting and contains a message that all would relate to.
The album ends with the title song “You’re Not Alone.” Another song with a positive message, it’s the perfect end to this spectacular album. W.K. screams out the lyrics “your journey is not over/ it’s just begun.” It’s an emotional end to an already emotional album, and it truly wraps up this masterpiece.
You’re Not Alone is available for purchase on March 2nd. Andrew W.K. is also bringing his inspirational music on the road and will be touring the U.S. and U.K. from March through August.