Bully has shared a new animated video for their track “Focused”. The track was originally part of their latest powerful, and brutal album, Losing. The animated music video is directed by Rozalina Burkova, who explains that the video is “loosely based on the theme of coming of age and the ups and downs friendships and relationships.” Alicia Bognanno, founder and lead singer of Bully, added: “I let Rozalina take the reins on this one. I am a huge fan of all her animation work and wanted her to do what she felt was best for this video.”
Alicia Bognanno, founded the band, Bully, in Nashville in 2013. Alicia’s versatile singing, and vocal growls have contributed to band’s success. Bully has released two albums to date. With Feels Like, released in 2015, Bully proved that heavy alt-rockers can still create original music, without sounding mundane.
Bully’s latest album, Losing, was released in 2017 by Sub Pop. The album is a hymn for a generation learning about the power of loss, and resistance. “The title of the record –Losing – kind of says it all,” Alicia explains on her album: “After being on the road so long and coming back to Nashville we all had a lot of changes going on in our personal lives that we were trying to deal with / adjust to and that was really the motivation for this one.”