Dark Folk Pop
The Drink, hailing from London, made a return with their second full-length album, The Drink. The band is known for its unique sound, in which it mixes different elements from multiple genres, creating what has been described as “dark folk-pop.”
Throughout the duration of the album, the listener is taken on an adventure through the many different sounds and effects used. Each track has its own story to tell and does so in a unique way each time. “Trish” is a standout track on the album for a few reasons, but the main one being the vocals and the sound they bring to the track as a whole. There is something whimsical about the effect used on the vocals paired with the simplistic music backing it. This track makes for a mellow vibe, but at the same time speaks volumes for the uniqueness of The Drink as an entire band.
“Bowling Green” makes for a nice midpoint in the album with its almost upbeat nature. The contrast between the higher main vocals and the lower backing vocals makes for a very dynamic listening experience. The almost tin sound to the drums adds another layer to the complexity of the song as a whole. All of this comes together to create a song that is easy to listen to on repeat.
As the album continues, the “dark” part of “dark folk-pop” really comes to light. “Readymade” has a much slower feel to the album and focuses the instrumentals on a more grunge approach. The profession of the album as a whole feels very natural and even the change in vibe with “Readymade” fits exactly where it should in the scheme of things.
The album wraps up with the track “Doberman,” which might be one of the most interesting sounds on the entire album. The song starts off with the impression that it will be a light-hearted track with an upbeat feel to it, but once the vocals come in, it offers a juxtaposition that creates a completely different feeling for the listener. At the same time the music and vocals are complimenting each other in an unexpected way, there is a nice balance between the presence of male and female vocals on the track. All of these elements come together to create such a unique experience for the listener that this is one of the most outstanding tracks on the album.
By the end of the album, it is easy to say that The Drink makes for a unique listening experience with each listen.