DMX Releases New Holiday Cover Song “Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer”

Anyone who watched a video of DMX in 2012 singing “Rudolf The Red-Nosed Reindeer” while drumming on tabletop will rejoice that now, they can show it to their friends easily from Spotify instead of having to search for it through the annals of YouTube. For the holiday season, Spotify released a playlist of Christmas covers by well known artists, including DMX.

Christmas music is an inevitable part of December. Radio stations and local businesses convince consumers that holiday tunes are everywhere. Like a crowded subway car at rush hour, it is an inevitability that everyone loves to hate. That is why parents will put on Frank Sinatra’s version of “Jingle Bells” to satisfy their young child, because it is just that much more bearable.

DMX, a rapper known for his aggressive flow and incisive poetry, did something like Sinatra in offering a new take on an old thing. His version of “Rudolf” keeps all of the original lyrics while completely changing the essence of the song. It’s like listening to someone who’s angry about something but doesn’t know why. DMX’s ad libs are funny—Santa says “what’s happening”— and he delivers the story with punch. Anyone who didn’t know the story of Rudolf will surely not forget it after listening to this cover.

Conrad Brittenham: My name is Conrad. I am one year out of college and pursuing a career in writing and journalism. I studied literature at Bard College, in the Hudson Valley. My thesis focuses on the literal and figurative uses of disease in Herman Melville’s most famous works, including Moby-Dick, Benito Cereno, and Billy Budd. My literary research on the topic of disease carried over to more historical findings about how humans tend to deal with and think about the problem of virus and infectivity. I’ve worked at a newspaper and an ad agency, as well as for the past year at an after school program, called The Brooklyn Robot Foundry. All of these positions have influenced the way I approach my work, my writing, and the way I interact with others in a professional setting. I’ve lived in London and New York, and have always had a unique perspective on international cultural matters. I am an avid drawer and a guitarist, but I would like to eventually work for a major news publication as an investigative journalist.
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