DATAROCK Serve Up Electro-Pop Goodness With New Song “Ruffle Shuffle”

Bergen, Norway electronic pop band DATAROCK coming back with a new album Face the Brutality in 2018. “Ruffle Shuffle,” which will be a part of that release, is the latest single from the band, which was founded by Fredrik Saroea. As the title would suggest, the song is a send-up to the beloved 80s film The Goonies, referencing Chunk’s little shimmy.

The band, which is well-recognizable from the red track suits worn at their shows, is apparently going to be donning black track suits now. The album title, which feels pretty heavy, is in fact just an inside joke of the band’s. As Saroea explains, he “thought it sounded hilariously pretentious. Coming from a city of black metal, and with a background in punk and trash metal, we found the title so utterly wrong for DATAROCK that we’ve always wanted to use it for an album.”

Face the Brutality was inspired by everything from the Stranger Things score to Television and The Stone Roses. If “Ruffle Shuffle” is any indicator, has the makings of an eclectic electronic rock hit.

Matt Matasci: Music Editor at - | I have written and edited for mxdwn since 2015, the same year I began my music journalism career. Previously (and currently) a freelance copywriter, I graduated with a degree in Communications from California Lutheran University in 2008. Born on the Central Coast of California, I am currently a few hundred miles south along the 101 in the Los Angeles area.
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