The Right Amount of Odd
Alien Stadium, made up of Martin Duffy and Steve Mason, released the Livin’ in Elizabethan Times EP this week and it offers a sound that is other worldly. The EP is four tracks long and each one takes the listener on a completely different journey, while keeping the whimsical idea of outer space and aliens on the mind.
The opening track, “This One’s For The Humans,” kicks off the EP and is somewhat reminiscent of early David Bowie with the combination of the echo-y lyrics and guitar riffs. The lyrics in the song set the stage for rest of the project to embody the outer space theme that seems to be so common. The chorus of the song is catchy, making it hard to stop listening to the track. This track also features some unique and quirky sounds in the backing music, which is a common trait throughout the rest of the EP and is one of the strongest aspects of the EP as a whole.
“The Visitations” is the next track and right off the bat has a very catchy beat to it. The music continues to build layers as the intro to the song goes on and it is one of the best parts of the entire EP. As the song picks up it has somewhat of a darker vibe to it, but makes for a change from the first track, keeping the sound fresh throughout the EP. There are even more unique sounds used on this track, which makes for a very complex sound that is not heard every day.
“The Moon Is Not Your Friend” is one of the more whimsical tracks on the EP with its almost eerie beginning. Once it gets going, it has an almost Beatles-esque feel to it with the dreamy vocals and piano paired with dramatic drums. The seven-minute track takes the listener on a journey through what feels like a very upbeat song with lyrics about flying through space.
The EP concludes on the track “Titanic Dance (Lynch Mob Mix)” and through the beat alone, takes the listener on a completely different journey than the previous songs. The best part about this EP is that each track has its own sound that makes the listener feel a different way each time. This specific track has a beat to it that is hard to not tap your toes to, while it keeps the listener on their toes with all of the different layers to it. Alien Stadium has definitely lived up to their name with this EP and it is sure to not disappoint any eager listeners.