Sub Pop’s latest signing, Moaning, has quickly set the tone for their upcoming release. The band is set to release their debut album in Spring of 2018, but fans can already check out two of their songs/videos. Their 2015 independent production of “The Same,” caught the eye of the label. The song is as energetic as the destructive video. According to Sub Pop, the video was a cheap DIY project in which the band plays as their friends chaotically tear down an abandoned estate.
Similarly, their recent release, “Don’t Go,” shows the punk trio in a very DIY environment performing while their friends enact random acts around them. Like the first video, the environment is wild and a bit chaotic, and yet the singers are unfazed. There are various black and white clips of haircuts, dancing, thrashing, crying, laughing, socializing, makeovers, flowers, sweeping, smoking, kissing, slapping, soaking and punching. The video uses quick cuts between these seemingly unconnected acts to mirror the agitated tempo of the punk song. They cloak their intriguing and thought=provoking lyrics in the hyperactive nature of the melody.
The Los Angeles based band, consisting of Sean Solomon, Pascal Stevenson and Andrew MacKelvie, is set to release the rest of their album on March 2nd. They will join fellow Sub-Oop band, Metz, on tour in December as well.
Tour Dates
12/07 – Seattle, WA – Neumo’s *
12/08 – Vancouver, BC – Cobalt *
12/09 – Portland, OR – Doug Fir *
12/11 – San Francisco, CA – Independent *
12/12 – Los Angeles, CA – Teragram Ballroom*
12/13 – San Diego, CA – Casbah *
12/15 – Austin, TX – Mohawk *
12/16 – Houston, TX – Studio at Warehouse Live *
12/17 – Dallas, TX – Transit Bicycle Co.
12/19 – Phoenix, AZ – LBX
*w/ METZ