Pentagram frontman, Bobby Liebling, has officially been sentenced with 18 month of jail time. Plenty of rumors had been flying around since the other three members of the band, Victor Griffin, Greg Turley and Pete Campbell, recently announced that they would be touring as a trio without Liebling. Pentagram has been a pioneer of heavy metal music since the early 70s, despite their many line up changes. Their most recent album, Curious Volume, came out August of 2015.
Former drummer for the band, Gary Isom, took to Facebook to denounce the 63 year old Liebling and send his regards to Liebling’s mother, Diane, the supposed victim of the assault. According to The PRP, Liebling managed to escape a first degree assault charge by pleadeding guilty and striking a plea bargain. Liebling was found guilty for physical abuse of a vulnerable adult. Liebling will be in Maryland at Montgomery Country Detention Center for a year and a half, and then face probation for the following three years.
It is not all that surprising that Liebling targeted his mother, considering he has been accused of misogyny and sexism in the past. When female-centric metal bands, King Woman and Wax Idols, went on tour with Pentagram, their experience was far from professional. Respective frontwomen for the bands, Kristina Esfandian and Hether Fortune, revealed shocking accounts of Liebling’s behavior in an interview with Noisey. The two revealed accounts of disrespect and verbal harassment. Supposedly, Liebling even went as far to make rape jokes on stage.
After the accusations from the two bands surfaced, Pentagram claimed they were false, and merely “opportunistic,” attempts to slander the band. They went on to argue, “Bobby verbally hit on this girl, that’s as far as it got. It’s no secret that he’s attracted to women and that’s not a crime. He’s a single man. He may have been uncouth but there was no touching.” The band boldly claimed that the two bands made them feel “uncomfortable.” Instead of owning up to their gross wrongdoings, they turned the table around on the two other bands. It seems now, Liebling can no longer point fingers, and will be forced to do time. The rest of the band will continue touring as a trio in the meantime.