Though many artists have taken the time to speak against our current Commander-in-Chief, Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe has been one of the more vocal ones. Blythe had previously even claimed that he would leave America until Trump was out of office, saying “fuck that guy, and fuck his hair.”
And that sentiment has not really seen much change in the six months that the President has taken his office. In a new interview with Yahoo Music, Blythe argued that “Reality has become entirely subjective,” perhaps referencing the absurd fabrications that Trump has claimed many a time throughout both his campaign and during his presidency.
That being said, Blythe went on to criticize the whole election cycle, explaining that he voted for Hillary as a matter of the “lesser of two evils.”
“This is one of the worst, if not the worst, most bizarre, brutal electoral seasons I’ve ever seen,” continued Blythe. “And I think it’s been the craziest in the lifetimes of many people who are way older than me as well, you know? There were dick jokes in the primaries. They weren’t metaphorically comparing penis size. They were actually doing it. This is what politics is right now. Regarding our Tweeter In Chief, people don’t care about the veracity of his statements. But I think really it’s a matter of kind of waiting for him to be impeached.”
Blythe went on to discuss the severe atmosphere of bipartisanship that has poisoned the American political climate. “I don’t even know what to say, really, other than people need to learn to communicate with each other again on both sides of the political spectrum. We can’t be a bipartisan country to the degree of severity that America has become. It just can’t be that way, because nothing is going to get done.”
On whether or not Blythe found any humor in the current situation, he said, “It would be hilarious to me if it wasn’t also horrifying at the same time. You know, we have this infuriated orange bowl of sherbert in the Oval Office. If you’re going to be a politician, at least be slick about it. But I don’t know. Maybe he’s brilliant. The way he got elected with this blitzkrieg of napalm across the misanthropic synapses of middle America is kind of genius. We’re going to make America great again? Whatever. It means nothing. I never though America was bad in the first place. But he instilled a massive amount of fear and then said, ‘I am the Messiah.’ So, you know, when America doesn’t become great again, what’s gonna happen?”
Randy Blythe is currently on tour with Lamb of God, supporting Slayer along with Behemoth.