By now, there’s no doubt you’ve heard about the Manchester attack that happened at an Ariana Grande concert earlier this week. The horrific incident killed nearly twenty people, and injured far more. While those that lost loved ones or experienced the event first hand will never fully heal, sometimes tragedy brings out the best in people.
A vigil was held today in Manchester’s St. Ann’s Square to mourn those who passed away in the terror attack. After a moment of silence, a truly moving and almost unbelievable thing happened. One lone voice started singing Oasis’ “Don’t Look Back in Anger.” And like something out of a movie, the entire mass of people joined in, until the square was drowning in voices singing. Watch the videos below and try not to cry.
In response to the attack, Live Nation has been offering refunds to several concerts in the UK, and musicians have been responding to the event on social media.
Goosebumps! The amazing moment Manchester crowd joins in with woman singing Oasis – Don’t Look Back in Anger after minutes silence pic.twitter.com/Cw4mOq8yde
— Josh Halliday (@JoshHalliday) May 25, 2017
After the minute’s silence in St Ann’s square, a quiet, spontaneous rendition of Don’t Look Back in Anger broke out in the crowd #Manchester pic.twitter.com/zS97nhD7Dv
— Daniel Hewitt (@DanielHewittITV) May 25, 2017