It’s nearly impossible to listen to the song “Take Me Out” by Franz Ferdinand and not be brought back to such a specific time of life. The year was 2004 when that song was released on the band’s debut self-titled album that was loaded with tracks that showcased what would later become their signature sound–catchy, dancey, indie-rock, drenched with their energetic Scottish personalities.
The hit single “Do You Want To” came next on their following album from 2005 called You Could Have It So Much Better--a Grammy-nominated album that continued the trend that most definitely inspires a lot of tapping, head bobbing and ruthless dancing (if so hopefully allowed). But the band also discovered their softer side on this album which you can hear on tracks like “Eleanor Put Your Boots On” and “Fade Together”–two songs that are all sorts of dreamy and enchanting, and offer a moment a slight breath in between their sweaty, gritty, raucous edge.
Over the course of the band’s lengthy discography they’ve definitely made some slight changes to their original sound, offering a sexier, almost 80s vibe on Tonight: Franz Ferdinand, while on the album Blood it’s way more poppy-electronica. Listen to “Live Alone” and “If I Can’t Have You Then Nobody Can” one right after the other and the switch in their flavor will be more than obvious. The band released another album in 2013, just a few years before guitarist Nick McCarthy bid farewell to the rest of the gang (Alex Kapranos, Bob Hardy, Paul Thomson), and onward they go as a threesome–still playing their guts out. Catch the After-Dark show at Warsaw and prepare to dance, to sweat, to remember exactly where you were back in the day when that song played, and that song, and that song…
8 p.m.