Hundred Waters gives us a new electronic banger with new single. Hundred Waters breaks their silence by dropping a moody electronic single called, “Particle” and seem to be having their third album in the works.
The band composed of Nicole Miglis, Trayer Tryon and Zach Tetreault rose to fame because of their unique sound and style that walks on the line of electronic and indie. With live band instruments, produced electronic beats and the and the angelic voice of Miglis, they caught the attention Skrillex-owned OSWALA record label in 2012 and have since had a quiet presence.
After the release of their second album, The Moon Rang Like a Bell in 2014, they went on tour with Alt-J, The xx and Julia Holter, and a calm seemed to come over the group, but it looks like there coming back with some gorgeous tracks.
Although Hundred Waters hasn’t confirmed any details about the release of their third album, they left a little piece of what we can expect from them soon.