Take a voyage into the beautiful soul of Carmen Villain as she releases her new single, “Planetarium,” the title track off her sophomore album, which debuts on June 2nd, via Smalltown Supersound.
Before Carmen Villain came to be, she was Carmen Hillestad, a high fashion model gracing the covers of countless magazines. Now, she has put away her runway status and transitioned herself into a respectable musician.
Her new EP, Planetarium will be out in the world later this year but fans can be comforted with a glimpse of the sophomore EP by listening to the new track via SoundCloud.
Written and produced by Villain herself, “Planetarium” is a quiet odyssey into the unknown. The song wraps listeners into a warm cocoon and leaves them wandering.
The track starts off with nothing but static and noise but as the track hits the one minute mark, the piano takes over. It takes less than two minutes of sounds and piano notes drifting in and out until Villain’s voice spirals in.
There’s sadness in her voice as she asks; “Are you lonely out there?” The track is filled with loneliness, the empty space between people but it also is filled longing , longing for something more.
Villain decided to follow up to her debut album, Sleeper which was released back in 2013 with her “Planetarium” Ep. In the span of two years, the US born, half Norwegian, half Mexican singer has since found her sound and nurtured her songwriting craft to make a second album that is worth a listen.
According to the Sleeper review; “Perhaps a bit of time in these new shoes will yield more inspiration and something we can truly feel.” That feeling of inspiration is there in the spaces between the piano and vocals.
Carmen Villain’s Planetarium EP is due out on June 2nd on Smalltown Supersound 12” as well as other digital formats. The Ep also contains an instrumental track, “Safe,” as well as two remixes by the Italian ambient veteran Gigi Masin. The mixture of Villain’s sound and Masin’s trademark avant-balearics seem like a perfect fit.
Check out the “Planetarium” via SoundCloud below.
Don’t forget to pre-order Carmen Villain’s second EP here.