Ty Segall delivers a massive video for “Break A Guitar” a track from his self-titled album released earlier this year. The wildly catchy track is a classic grunge rock anthem with classic Ty Segall vocals crooning about making a guitar famous for breaking it. The video how ever delivers a whole different narrative for the meaning to “Break A Guitar.”
The video zooms open to an agro looking Fred Armisin who is garbed in a fresh karate outfit. His intensity is quickly unleashed on a floating guitar which he round house kicks. The guitar doesn’t just break it explodes with the sheer force of Fred’s brutal kick. The calculated kick sets into motion the camera that starts backward in a falling motion. As the camera sets pace backwards it passes the Ty Segall band members who fall past while rocking out mid performance.
What follows is a kaleidoscope effect of head banging heads, falling instruments and band members as well as the occasional guitar mid destruction. Near the end of the video and the climax of the song the screen has become completely enveloped in a kaleidoscope collage of all of the above and even more. Screaming faces, exploding guitars, and embryos spinning, this videos ending could be a made into a poster; one you would spend time looking at, pointing out all the random little elements that are overlaid on each other.
Just when you think it is all over the shot falls out of the ear canal of Ty Segall himself who is seen sitting at his computer. The convolution of news reports can be heard in dizzying delivery. As the camera stops on Ty we realize he is overwhelmed and drowning in the sound, unable to move when suddenly his head explodes. Not only does it explode but also the image is replayed and zoomed in on. A commentary on the relentless news cycle we are bombarded with today? You can watch the video yourself and be the judge.
Photo Credit: Sharon Alagna