If You Play It They Will Come
Amidst lengthy solos, robust rock ‘n’ roll protrudes vividly through Ecstatic Vision’s Raw Rock Fury. At only thirty-three minutes, just enough time to cut through a side-and-a-half of vinyl, the psych-rock band have fitfully produced some genuine work. Filled with historical escapades, Raw Rock Fury is exactly what it has set out to be: raw and furious. Often, the comparisons between modern musicians and those of times old are, more often than not, a farce. However, Escatic Vision’s four-man band take hold of a sound uniquely combed with psychedelia, rock and metal; although it does not fall solely in one category, Raw Rock Fury’s bluesy structure creates rolling junctions where the jam rules all. Overall, the album is a lo-fi blend of rock ‘n’ roll, stemming greatly from these long jam sections. And this concoction of sound flows naturally — an occurrence rarely achieved in today’s world of single hits.
To some, Escatic Vision’s second album may feel as if it were plucked straight out of their high school’s time capsule, but, in truth, Raw Rock Fury is a righteously curt production of rock ‘n’ roll. While at times directly nostalgic — vocalist Doug Sabolik going so far as to shout “take me away to better times,” amidst a barrage of boogying rifts — Raw Rock Fury turns gears that have laid dormant since the seventies. “Electric Step” (Pt. 1 and Pt. 2) and “Twinkling Eye” (All three parts) take up almost all of the record’s runtime. Each track is a lively epic, supported fervently by Sabolik’s guttural growl. Starting slow, constructing tangential builds, both “Electric Step” and “Twinkling Eye” could likely survive on their own, but, together, offer a complete collection of musical expression.
Regardless of one’s stance on the politics of today’s music, Raw Rock Fury is a loud reminder that rock ‘n’ roll is still alive and well. The vision, it may seem, is to keep it alive. As of now, Ecstatic Vision are currently playing shows in their hometown of Philadelphia. Set to traverse the Atlantic and lay waste to a series of showrooms across Europe, the band should set off pings on any hard rocker’s radar. Wherever you happen to grab hold of Ecstatic Vision’s newest conglomerate, be sure to play it loud.