So if you don’t know, let’s get you up to date on all things Gorillaz because they are making their comeback in a very big way. Gorillaz has been blowing up the news cycle since they announced the release of their album Humanz to be released on April 28th and their upcoming tour . They have also been releasing singles left and right with their video for Saturnz Barz becoming the most popular VR music video in history. That video received over 3 million views in just one night.
Now it has been announced that they will be hosting a Chicago version of their Demon Dayz Festival, according to Spin.
Unfortunately other than the announcement that their tour will be heading to Chicago, no other significant details have been released. The plans were revealed in their Q magazine feature although they have not released the date yet.
Aside from their one August date in San Francisco, there have been no other dates announced. According to the band they are planning to tour extensively for their new album. It seems this band is going to keep everything on the down low for a while so that mean we all have to be extra vigilant for what this band has up their sleeve.
Be sure to check out the album Humanz, releasing April 28th, and all the other things the band is up to, including a T.V. show in the works, with 10 episodes planned.