WATCH: Blame Candy Morph White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army” into a Major Key Glam Rock Anthem

Blame Candy’s YouTube channel is a thing of beauty. The Philadelphia band is using social media and YouTube in a more clever way than any band has done before. Their channel is filled with comical and weird videos of different covers, warmups and how-to videos. The twist, however, is that they intentionally leave out specific chords or play in the wrong key.

Their most recent video is a cover of The White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army” in a major key. Viewers on YouTube have immediate, passionate reactions on both ends of the spectrum. Some viewers cover their ears and are infuriated by the “butchering” of a great song, while other viewers beg for a full cover. Blame Candy doesn’t care which side of the spectrum the viewers are on. This is their social media marketing and above all, their artistry. It’s about instigating passionate feelings, love or hate. The videos are short little one minute clips, leaving the viewers wanting more. Whether the viewer hates or loves what they’re hearing, they have the desire to put a name to who is in the video.

The one minute videos on their YouTube channel are skillfully created. They showcase each band members extreme talent, show a satirical side and give off a vibe of complete indifference, all in just one minute clips. This image of indifference and rebellion adds to their music. Their EP, titled EP1, clearly presents them fighting for the outcasts of the world. They are comfortable with being weird. Like many of the indie and glam rock bands before them, they play the part of the “misfits” well. Even in all of their band pictures, most of them aren’t looking at the camera. They are looking elsewhere as if there is something more interesting on their hand or in the corner of the room.

While they are very self-aware and know what they are doing, their videos aren’t just one big laugh. In their White Stripes cover, they are playing with full dedication and purpose. Their EP, EP1, carries serious messages about society and embracing weirdness. The YouTube videos are just meant to catch the eye. Diving deeper into their music is when people will actually realize they have a unique sound that is here to stay.

Check out the video below and go to their YouTube channel to see what else they’re up to. They’re creativity deserves one minute of your time at the very least.

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