Queens of the Stone Age Possibly Tease New Album with Cryptic Social Media Posts

Fans for Queens of the Stone Age, there is a new album on the way… possibly, sort of, well we think so. Today, there was a teaser posted on social media and it’s leading many people to believe that there is an album on its way.

unnamed 2 Queens of the Stone Age stoke anticipation for new album with cryptic teaser, plus tour datesunnamed 2 Queens of the Stone Age stoke anticipation for new album with cryptic teaser, plus tour dates

The image above says coming twenty-five. This looks suspiciously like an album cover but the thing here is that it is just a teaser and we are just going to have to wait for more details to arise. There was also this cryptic image posted.

However, Dean Delray, a good friend of the band, made mention on his podcast that yes the album was completed.

Back in February, the band also teased some posts in the studio. All the pieces are here but we will have to wait and see if they all come together. Be sure to check out the band on tour!

Queens of the Stone Age 2017 Tour Dates:
06/22-25 – Montebello, QC @ Amnesia Rockfest
07/13 – Auckland, NZ @ Logan Campbell
07/16 – Darwin, AU @ Convention Center
07/19 – Sydney, AU @ Horden Pavilion
07/20 – Melbourne, AU @ Festival Hall
07/22 – Byron Bay, AU @ Splendour in the Grass
07/28-30 – Naeba, JP @ Fuji Rock Festival
08/11-13 – San Francisco, CA @ Outside Lands Festival


Katie Risley: I am absoulutely thrilled to have the opportunity to work with and write for MXDWN music and I hope you guys will continue to check out my work. I am from the great garden state of New Jersey and I am currently attending Eastern University studying Marketing and Music and plan to work in the music business when I graduate. I have a sister who is off to study law at college in the fall.
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