Terrible Human Beings Blesses Fans with Real Rock
The Orwells’ latest release was highly anticipated, but managed to exceed expectations. Terrible Human Beings is fluid and possesses indie alt-rock roots. With catchy hooks and unique, eccentric lyrics, this album is set to be a staple in 2017. The band’s sound recalls both the Arctic Monkeys and The Growlers, but is nonetheless entirely unique.
Following up on 2014’s Disgraceland, The Orwells’s newest LP showcases the work put in by the members and their resident producer Jim Abbiss, who worked with the band on their previous album and is known for his collaborations with the Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian. The album embraces a classic rock style, yet it also throws in the occasional, humorous vulgar lyric — thanks to The Orwells, not everything has to be so serious in 2017. Terrible Human Beings is an album that encourages going out for drinks and dancing on a Friday night after a long week at work. It gives listeners an album to which they can unwind, kick back and let loose
There isn’t any one particular song that can be pinpointed as a favorite, which could be interpreted positively or negatively; but one thing that is for certain is that none of the songs are in bad taste. The whole album beautifully flows from track to track. In short, The Orwells pretty much know exactly what they’re doing and it surely doesn’t hurt that their sound translates well to both the mainstream and the underground.
Songs that deserve honorable mention are “They Put The Body in The Bayou,” “Creatures,” “Buddy” and “Heavy Head.” “Creatures” starts off with subdued hooks, along with lyrics about missing dead friends. The upbeat song also contains a simple chorus hook that has vocalist Mario Cuomo shouting out “creatures” periodically. The opening track, “They Put The Body in The Bayou,” is perhaps the most catchy on the record because it features a dirty, gritty rock sound that supports the darker yet pop-like lyrics. “Buddy” maintains a grungy, garage-rock sound with quicker guitar riffs that are reminiscent of pop-punk. However, there are no songs that fail to get the blood pumping through listeners’ veins. There is nothing like an album that can make us bang our heads over and over, and these Chicago rockers have blessed listeners’ ears with strong, raw power chords.
The Orwells are on tour right now and can be caught in both the UK and the US in early 2017. Make sure to pick up their newest album in the meantime and give it a listen.