Los Angeles based post-hardcore band Touché Amoré is coming to The Bay this spring. They will be playing The UC Theatre in Berkeley on April 12th. They will be playing their spring tour alongside Basement, Thursday, and Wax Idols.
Touché Amoré made their debut as a band back in 2009. The band is composed of five guys, who built up their hard-core rep through their release of various EPs and traveling around the west coast. The band’s sound is the perfect mix of screamo and hardcore and coupled with lead singer Jeremy Bolm’s unique vocals are what make up the unique sound. Their most recent album dropped last year and was entitled Stage Four. Notable songs from this album include Palm Dreams, Skyscraper, and Displacement. Previous to that the band has put out three other albums which include 2008’s To Beat A Dead Horse, 2011’s Parting The Sea Between The Brightness And Me and 2013’s Is Survived By. 2008’s album was the band’s album debut and the big songs from that album are Honest Sleep, History Reshits Itself, and And Now It’s Happening In Mine. From 2011’s album are the popular songs ~ and Home Away From Here. Lastly, the best of their 2013’s album are Just Exist and Harbor. My personal favorites from their entire discography are Method Act, Always Running Never Looking Back, and Swimming With Sharks. The band’s introspective lyrics coupled with the raw power of Bolm’s voice make for intense shows.
Fans of Defeater, Title Fight, and La Dispute will already be in the know for this show. I saw Touché Amoré play back in 2014 and let me tell you, that is a show I will always remember. I went with my two best friends and we still talk about that show today. I got out of the pit soaking wet with a smile on my face. The band was lively, the music was on point, and I loved it. Touché Amoré has that something special that gets their audience going, so don’t sleep on this show.
Touché Amoré @ The UC Theatre
Wednesday, April 12th