Last October, pop-punk heavyweights, Joyce Manor, released their fantastic, fourth studio album, Cody–which garnered widespread praise from both critics and fans. Now, kicking off 2017 the right way, the group has embarked on a tour with folk punk band AJJ (formerly Andrew Jackson Jihad) and openers Mannequin Pussy. An all-star lineup such as this certainly warrants a marked spot on the calendar.
Formed in 2008, Joyce Manor’s songs have resonated with fans since their early days of acoustic sets and demo CD’s. Through a mutual love of Blink-182, lead vocalist Barry Johnson and guitarist Chase Knobbe are the founders of Joyce Manor–whose names comes from an apartment building seen near Johnson’s home. As the years passed, so did their popularity. The group was signed to popular indie label, Epitaph Records, in 2013. Shortly after, their popular third studio album, Never Hungover Again, dropped. The album received praise for its charming lyrical content and catchy, fast paced pop-punk tracks. The members of Joyce Manor have a talent for making things work, and sounding good in the process, so you can expect big things in the future.
Be sure to catch Joyce Manor at the Mohawk on February 16th, just remember not to stage dive.
w/AJJ, Mannequin Pussy
Thursday, February 16th
Doors at 7:30pm
All Ages