For some the last year of 2016 has been rough and drummer Ben Koller agrees. The drummer took to his Facebook Page and has just confirmed that he has finished recording albums with All Pigs Must Die, Mutoid Man, The Armed, Converge, and Killer Be Killed. He continues to reveal that Converge will beginning tracking for the album in the Spring time while Koller hints at new music from Killer Be Killed.
This past year Ben Kollar has been playing tons of shows all over the world with the 3 bands and has loved ever last minute of it. In addition he has done some electronic drum tracking with Room Sound along with making some crazy videos with Mrs. Woman with some Koller cam point of view drum footage for the new Jim Jarmusch documentary about the Stooges. This upcoming year of 2017 will definitely be the most productive yet and he is excited for 2017. It will be great to see what these great metal bands have in store for the fans for this year.

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