You’ll recognize Lisa Hannigan’s voice from singing and touring with Damien Rice. The two met in the early 2000s and collaborated for a few years before Hannigan decided to pursue a solo career in 2007. Her first album Sea Sew was released just one year later at home in Dublin, and with that she went on to become the opening act for Jason Mraz’s tour.
Following her debut album was Passenger in 2011. And then in 2016 there was At Swim, which was creatively supported by Aaron Dessner of The National when Hannigan found herself in somewhat of an emotional/geographical rut, as she divided her time between Dublin and London, feeling stirred by the confusion of where her heart and inspiration was exactly. You can hear that slight sense of “darkness” all throughout this album. And aside from her discography you can also hear her angelic voice on the big screen, including films like Shrek the Third, Gravity, and Closer.
Hanningan’s sound varies from being feathery acoustic (which you’ll primarily hear off her latest album) to being a bit more energetic and catchy, which you’ll hear off her earlier songs like “Sea Song” and “What I’ll Do.” There’s a dose of Tristan Prettyman in some of her arrangements–smooth and beachy, quiet and inspiring. But it’s still very much her–intense, musical, personal.
Bowery Ballroom
9 p.m.