Many of you know Mike IX Williams as the front man of Eyehategod, but many of us do not know the other side. His wife Michelle Maher-Williams was able to allow us a glimpse into his private life. She just recently launched a YouCaring fundraising page for her husband because he needs an urgent lifesaving transplant. We know that for the past 2 years, Mike has been battling his health issues, but we never knew how serious his condition was. Even though she has respected his wishes to keep things private in such dire times he needs the support now more than ever from his friends, family and fans most of all.
Michelle continues to give us the overview of his hard journey to this point. On December 2014, while the band was on tour with Corrections House, Mike was hospitalized while in Texas. At this time, the doctors informed him that his liver was failing and that the possibilities of living past another year were slim. After consulting one of the best liver specialists in the country, he was diagnosed with cirrohosis of the liver, but gave him hope to keep fighting the good fight. With a couple changes to his diet and lifestyle, his condition started to improve and he was even cleared to travel to Europe June of 2015 with the band. Unfortunately he would continue to be in and out of hospitals and was even left in a coma surviving on life support. It was clear that his liver was not healing fast enough and he would need a liver transplant. The fighter that he is he came back to us but on October of this year after being admitted to the hospital for internal bleeding it was clear that his liver and kidneys were now failing.
Up until now he still remains hospitalized and his reaching out for help after being swarmed with health insurances and medical bills. Due to his condition, Mike has been unable to tour. He has been forced to miss more than a dozen Eyehategod shows this past summer and fall because of his health. His position as the front man has been temporarily replaced by Anselmo for two dates in August and Randy Blythe, frontman for Lamb of God, for eleven shows in October.
So far the YouCaring page has received $33,727 almost reaching their goal of $50,000 to cover the costs of the liver transplant. It is now more than ever that Mike needs the love and support of his fans and send positivity to fighting the good fight.