Photo Credit: Alyssa Fried
Approximately 15 years ago, a British and American collision occurred in the music industry; thus creating The Kills. Founders of this indie-rock band Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince created an idealistic peanut butter and jelly duo.
Thus far, they have released five separate studio albums. Ash & Ice has been their most recent project. Released in June 2016, Ash & Ice consisted of a 13-track hipster anthem. Ash & Ice was the comeback fans all over have rejoiced.
After creating Blood Pressures in 2011, guitarist and founder Jamie Hince found himself wounded. Hince was forced to re-learn guitar after undergoing five separate hand surgeries and accumulating a permanently damaged finger. Detrimental toward his and Mosshart’s career, this did not stop them from shooting for the stars.
During Hince’s recovery, he headed across Russia to gain musical inspiration. Meanwhile, Mosshart stayed locally in Nashville, Tennessee writing music. Along with, recording an album with The Dead Weather. Touring this album last summer, fans have commented on the cultured influence incorporated within the album. Regardless if it is Afro-pop, Brazilian or the Trans-Siberian; the album remains enticing.
Furthering their extensive touring cycle, they are continuing a tour from May to November 2017. In doing so, they are visiting all over North America and Europe. Tour dates and ticketing links can be found below.
Spring 2017 Tour:
Pioneertown, CA: Pappy and Harriet’s, March 17th
Anaheim, CA: House of Blues, March 20th
Oakland, CA: Fox Theatre, March 22nd
Lisbon, Portugal: Nos Alive, July 7th