Nothing New, But Still Satisfying
The newest record from Sleigh Bells, Jessica Rabbit is not new or shocking, but rather a continuation from a band that has created a brand for themselves that is successful and recognizable. Do not listen to this album and expect that Sleigh Bells is going to break new music barriers. Instead, listen to it purely for the fun and escapism.
If this album sounds familiar, it’s because so much of it is influenced by earlier albums from the band as well as current pop artists ranging from Britney to Lady Gaga. On it, one hears a significant influence from their earlier albums. For instance, “I Can Only Stare” sounds like a mix between “Tell ‘Em” and Madonna’s “Bitch I’m Madonna.” Other songs like “I Can’t Stand You Anymore” and “It’s Just Us Now” are rooted in noise pop with flashes of Gwen Stefani and Lady Gaga. If there is one song that stands out, it is “Hyper Dark” which sounds the most like the band’s first record, Treats. It has the dreamy aspect, but still retains its aggressive and loud instrumentals while Alexis Krauss sings softly over it.
Lyrically, there is not much depth on the record. This, however, is not unusual for Sleigh Bells. Listeners do not play their music for the poetics; rather, they listen to it for the fun. While their records may not be lyrically heartfelt or their instrumentation experimental, the one guarantee while listening to a record from Sleigh Bells is that it is going to be a fun listen and serve as an escape.
Jessica Rabbit may not be as good or as memorable as Treats or Reign of Terror, but the music this band has been producing for the past six years does exactly what music like this is supposed to do. It takes the listener out of the monotony and allows one to have the freedom to have a carefree experience.