Heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold is in a dispute with their former record label Warner because of allegations that they attempted to confuse fans and disrupt the band’s album sales. In a recent interveiw with M. Shadows, the band member talked about the situation and expressed his feelings towards their actions calling it “childish on a whole new level.”
Earlier last month, Chris Jericho dropped a fake teaser on Instagram hinting towards a Dec. 9 album release. M. Shadow believes Warner saw this information, and announced they’d be releasing a greatest hits album The Best of 2005-2013 on Dec in order to take away from Avenged Sevenfold’s album sales.
“No, we’re not promoting [the greatest hits album] at all. That has nothing to do with us. They, basically, saw the date that Chris put up, and, from what we understand, they are trying to undercut our new record, so they were trying to put it out the week before,” Shadows said in the 101.1 WJRR interview. “And as childish as things can be behind the scenes with lawyers and stuff, as I’m sure you can imagine, this is childish on a whole new level.”
“You’re gonna try to put this record out right before our new record just to undercut us and try to confuse the casual fan, like, ‘Is this the new record? Or is that the new record,’” “Or parents buying stuff for Christmas. So it’s just really childish.” He continued. ‘It doesn’t even have a good pick of songs. It’s just kind of, like… It is what it is. And it’s a record label, basically, digging themselves into a deeper hole, as far as I’m concerned, ’cause it doesn’t look good to other bands who are potentially gonna sign there, and it doesn’t look good to fans.”
The band ended up pulling a fast one on the label and fans for that matter, dropping their new album The Stage on Nov 4. Fans went wild for the surprise release and it hit the Billboard 200 list in the first week.
Click here to watch their new music video for the title track.