Hi-Diddily-Ho, as Ned Flanders from The Simpsons would say! Unusual Concept heavy metal band, Okilly Dokilly, is a Phoenix based band that describes their subgenre of metal as “Nedal.” Classified as, metal music themed around the Simpsons character Ned Flanders. The band consists of five members: Bled Ned, Head Ned, Red Ned, Stead Ned, and Thread Ned. Coinciding with the theme of their band, at each performance the band members dress up as Ned Flanders. And, majority of their songs consist of quotes of his. Okilly Dokilly has gained a lot of popularity due to their one-of-a-kind approach to heavy metal, with over 35,000 likes on Facebook alone.
This Friday, November 11th, the band is releasing their debut album, Howdilly Doodilly. Consisting of 13 tracks, Howdilly Doodilly is anticipated to have immense success due to the eccentricity of the band and their songs. As of today, Okilly Dokilly has released the music video for the first track on the album, “White Wine Spritzer.”
The video begins with the mustached band in matching Ned Flanders outfits performing in a pink room. You begin to see them drink white-wine spritzers and become ungracious by spitting out drinks, clashing glasses together, and so forth. Then, the band collectively tears apart the pink room to find them amongst a sixth Ned Flanders. Who is that? The band kills the imposter, buries and burns the body. The video ends with the band standing in front of the fire.
Okilly Dokilly uses comical Ned Flanders and incorporates a dark, twisted metal element to the conceptual music. The chorus of this song is them chanting, “Ah hell, give me a white wine spritzer.” This stems from an episode of The Simpsons where Ned goes to Vegas with Homer Simpson. In the episode, Ned decided to let loose and orders a white wine spritzer and like any typical decision in Las Vegas, he regretted it in the morning. Flanders finds himself married to two cocktail waitresses. This is only the first song of the album!
Howdilly Doodilly Track-list:
White Wine Spritzer
Nothing At All
You’re A Jerk
Press Destruct Button
More Animal Than Flan
They Warned Me
Donut Hell
Panic Room
Godspeed Little Doodle
All That Is Left