In been a couple years since the electric band, Daft Punk took stage. Actually, it’s coming up on three years now to exact; thus, the question is beckoned, “where is Daft Punk and when will they be open to see perform?” To answer, so now it seems, they will not be making any appearances soon. Daft Punk will not tour in the upcoming year, 2017.
With a unique Grammy performance in 2014, Daft Punk left the stage with flare and with a positive fan base. Now, their fan base has to wait even longer for another live performance; the band has announced that there is no plans to tour soon. This, in reality, comes to be quite the news when considering there last real tour was in 2007. Even so, this does not negate the fact that Daft Punk has been in the studio despite being reticent to tour or live performances. They recently collaborated with The Weekend for new song, “Star Boy.” This pairing marks a resurgence of the band’s sound, but the combination with an established band somewhat muffles the return.
Even so, with recent work and a new song, the band is still hanging low-key; the touring of Daft Punk is indefinitely suspended. The reason for this can be assumed to be a preference or even a downturn of the band, but the real reason remains a mystery and the lack of a tour the only known thing.