For yet another night of Riot Fest after shows, why settle for three shows to choose from? How about four? And how about them punk roots showing in having bands like Fu Manchu and Bad Religion headline said shows? Sounds like a perfect storm.
Fu Manchu is a rock band with obvious punk roots. Their music is the kind I would find fitting to listen to at the skatepark, which sticks rather truthfully to the bands’ California roots. Each song has a funky beat, but also makes you want to headbang. And what better legends to see than BaSd Religion? Considered one of the highest-selling punk rock bands, they’ve made themselves a household name within the punk community. Not to mention, the opener is Chino Moreno’s side project – The Crosses. It’s much more dreamy and calming than the works of the Deftones, but there’s a definite dark tone to match.
Unfortunately, the Thursday show is already sold out, and not on accident. They have without a doubt made a name for themselves for the almost 20 years they’ve been making music. Black Foxxes is one of the most unique rock voices pushing into the scene. Their sound is real, hard, and edgy. The harmonies and interesting chord structures don’t go unnoticed. The opener, Sleep On It, has a refreshing and bright sound. With multiple singers taking turns, it creates a full sound.
Fu Manchu @ Cobra Lounge
September 17 / 21+
Doors 10:00 PM
Bad Religion, The Crosses @ Concord Music Hall
September 17 / 17+
Doors 10:00 PM
Thursday + Special Guests @ Double Door
September 17 / 17+
Doors 10:00 PM
Sold Out
Black Foxxes, Sleep On It @ Township
September 17 / 17+
Doors 10:00 PM