Can a band name get any more metal than Goatwhore? Such a name might conjure images of some teenager in his bedroom trying his hand at “true cvlt” black metal with terrible production and amateur playing. However, Goatwhore is anything but. An amalgamation of various subsections of metal (sludge, thrash, death, black, et cetera) and taken to each’s respective extreme, Goatwhore takes technical proficiency and crushes it together with bone-crushing heaviness to create albums that have something for every metal fan.
The band skyrocketed with their 2009 full length record, Carving Out the Eyes of God, but they had already amassed quite a cult following with their previous 3 LPs. And since Carving Out the Eyes of God, Goatwhore has released two more records, Blood for the Master and Constricting Rage of the Merciless, the latter of which being one of their most highly praised records to date.
This highly praised band has now announced Fall tour dates, including from Louisiana (their home state) to Texas to various West coast states. The tour also includes a spot in Ozzfest Meets Knotfest, notably the last West coast show for legendary metal act Black Sabbath.
On it’s Facebook page, Goatwhore made the following announcement:
“We have been associated with ‘Ozzfest‘ in the past and are grateful to be playing it this year, but being part of Black Sabbath‘s final West Coast show is another legendary experience to be affiliated with and be able to witness first hand, taking in every element of a band that has been a great influence on all levels in the metal world.
Also, ‘Ozzfest‘ has given opportunities to countless freshly-emerging metal acts to forge new paths and give people new levels of extreme music to connect with and hear… that doesn’t exclude this year. Tons of acts that have been pretty damn strong in the underground metal community will be making their first appearances at ‘Ozzfest Meets Knotfest‘, as well as repeat acts that have been a part of it in the past. So, when you come to see Black Sabbath out West for their last time, come early and be a part of the future of metal, as well as it’s legendary past.”
Goatwhore Tour Dates
Buy Tickets on Ticketfly
09/16: Lafayette, LA – The District*
09/17: Beaumont, TX – Texas Rose Saloon
09/18: Austin, TX – Grizzly Hall
09/19: San Antonio, TX – Korova Basement
09/20: El Paso, TX – Mesa Music Hall
09/21: Tucson, AZ Flycatcher
09/22: Las Vegas, NV – Dive Bar
09/23: San Diego, CA – The Merrow*
09/24: San Bernardino, CA – Ozzfest Meets Knotfest*
09/25: Oakland, CA – Golden Bull
09/26: South Lake Tahoe, CA – Rojo’s
09/28: Denver, CO – Lion’s Lair
09/29: Albuquerque. NM – Launchpad
09/30: Dallas, TX – Reno’s Chop Shop
10/01: Lake Charles, LA – Luna Live*
* no The Blood Royale