Swedish post-metal band, Cult of Luna, have had an impressive music career spanning over 18 years. More recently, Cult of Luna teamed up with Brooklyn, New York native, Julie Christmas (formerly of Made Out of Babies and Battle of Mice) on their latest album, Mariner. Read more about the album here.
The April release of their collaborative album has brought the band to Cult of Luna to newer heights. And today, Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas issued the premier of official new video for the track “Chevron” .
Directed by Javier Longobardo, “Chevron” takes viewers on a nice-trip throughout endless oceans, stormy skies, multi-colored forests and far-reaching galaxies. The melodic beats flow simultaneously with the visuals. Both aesthetically and musically pleasing the video will leave you feeling as if you took a ride around the universe full of moody emotions.
Check out the video for “Chevron” below
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas’s “Chevron”
Guitarist and vocalist, Johannes Persson, explains that:“Mariner was never supposed to be played live. It was under this premise that we started working together with Julie over two years ago. The goal was to release the album, which was hard enough considering that we live on two sides of the gigantic Atlantic Ocean. But if there’s one thing that life has taught me, it’s that you should never say never, however unlikely an event seems to be. Usually unlikely events are bad things that happen despite all precautions but in this case, let’s just say that the outcome is yet to be decided. The stars have aligned perfectly and I am going to have to take back what I’ve repeated in numerous interviews this past year: That Mariner will not be played live, because it will. We have managed to sync our schedules and in November we will do a select few shows in Europe.
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas were able to sync their work schedules and will be touring Europe later this year with five announced dates, all falling in the month of November.
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas Tour dates:
11/02: Stockholm, SW – Debaser Medis
11/03: Lausanne, CH- Les Docks
11/04: Kortrijk, BE- De Kreun
11/05: Leed, UK- Damnation Festival
11/06: Athens, GR- Lera Odos
They also want you to know that they will only play, Mariner, from start to finish. We can respect that.
Cult of Luna and Julie Christmas’s Mariner is available for purchase from Indie Recordings now.