Lush – Blind Spot EP

The Pioneers of “Shoegaze” are back

After taking a 20-year hiatus, Lush, a Britpop band from the 90s, has meandered their way back into the music industry with a four song EP labeled Blind Spot. Best known for their hits “Ladykillers” and “De-Luxe”, Lush has been known for their airy vocals, dreamy guitar riffs and self-daunting love song lyrics. Blind Spot has returned with the consistency of just that.

If you could convert a band into a wholesome human, Lush would be the romantic comedy Drew Barrymore. However, what people tend to forget about music is that music can be melancholy and dark, which is exactly what Lush delivers consistently with their music. The first track on the EP, “Out of Control” is a classic Lush number, with flat undertones and romantic lyricism of being, “out of control, but I love you so much.” This nostalgic number follows similar criteria to their music back in the 90s, with their ageless sounding vocals and easily digestible rhythms and sonic guitar pings.

“Lost Boy” has an intro similar to “Zombie” by The Cranberries, setting the mood of a haunting and spooky sound with lyrics echoing, “I should have never let you out of my sight”. “Lost Boy” makes for an ironically perfect segue into “Burnham Beeches.” This third track is the dictionary definition of a bubbly British Dreampop ballad. It is melted sounding guitar riffs and “Do-Doos” make for a perfectly balanced EP, of spook, solemn and serenity. “Rosebud” closes off the EP with secretly tormenting lyrics like “My thorns will cradle you with love,” but disguised by its soothing, velvety vocals and trancey instrumentals.

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