2 Break Down Anything That’s Rock n’ Roll
Let us get one thing out of the way: for all of you out there who do not know who Mudcrutch is, it is Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Okay, strictly speaking that statement is not one hundred percent accurate. It is composed of mostly the same band members, with the exception of Randall Marsh on drums and Tom Leadon for rhythm guitar, who do not play as Heartbreakers. Mudcrutch was the original band they were in prior to becoming the group we all know and love. Revived in 2008, 2 is the factually named second album released since their resurrection.
While a little slower than the radio friendly jams one is used to from the band members in their other venture, it is no less technically sound and candid. The set up of the tracklist has an excellent flow, going from medium pace to slow and back effortlessly. While songs have titles like “Hope” and “Hungry No More” may sound like bleaker songs, the album has a constant sort of “look on the bright side” feel to it. A majority of the songs written by Petty, they’re all little diamonds to admire and rock in your playlists. A particular gem, however, is “Welcome to Hell,” written by Benmont Tench (keyboard), which is a particularly upbeat breakup song. It has Petty lamenting, “Welcome to hell/Even the Devil wept/ When He heard the Depths of our unhappiness,” and ends on what sounds like distant chuckles, making it sort of a sarcastic dismissal of marital issues. The rambling piano over the upstroked guitars is excellent and a fun change of pace.
The album is great. If you were expecting a terrible review on 2, or that it would be sub-par work, you obviously know absolutely nothing about the men of either aforementioned groups. They come from that now deemed old fashioned style called hard work and practice, with a whopping side helping of talent and brilliance. It is relatable and fun, conversational and breezy, relaxing and energetic. All in all, it is just another tally in the long line of excellent albums from these players.