The brand new supergroup Scour, featuring Phil Anselmo has just announced their new self titled EP to be released this coming July. Anselmo himself announced that it would take on the style of “Modern Day Black Metal” and has released a single called “Dispatched”, that can be heard below.
“Dispatched” is highly reminiscent of Scandinavian Black Metal with a heavy emphasis on the Swedish take on the style said
Aside from the famous Phil Anselmo, the band is made of John Jarvis (bass, Pig Destroyer), Chase Fraser (guitar, Animosity, Continuum), Derek Engemann (guitar, Cattle Decapitation) and Jesse Schobel (drums, Strong Intention)
The EP will be released on July 15th.
Last year Anselmo told Hellbound.CA about his plans for the new project: “The Scour thing was something that just popped up, and it’s something that I think I can kill, something I can lay it out. They’re short songs. It’s a short EP, and that’s something I can knock out… I think (there’s) one of the fellows from Cattle Decapitation, but it’s predominantly, in my ear, modern-ish black metal-sounding, thrashy black metal type stuff. I’m going to put my own spin on it. I don’t have to sound like your boy from Gorgoroth [laughter] to get the point across, man. There’s other ways of singing over that style of music, and I shall employ many styles.”
Anselmo has caused a lot of trouble and hurt feelings after a performance of Pantera’s song “Walk” at Dimebash 2016. It was the final song of the set, and as it finished Anselmo initiated a Nazi solute and exclaimed the phrase “White Power”. Since then he has delivered several apologies and has refrained from performing with his band Down’s for the time being. Several of their shows have been canceled.