Lita Can Do No Wrong.
Lita Ford is back with a tour de force of an album, Time Capsule. This album sports the fantastic 80s vibe we all know and love, as well as an all star cast of characters such as Billy Sheehan and Gene Simmons on bass, Dave Navarro on mandolin and Jeff Scott Soto on vocals. If there are two things you can say about Lita’s musical career, it is that she knows how to write an amazing song, and she is brilliant on guitar. How, however, will the new album play out and will it be new and interesting or played out and passé?
It starts with an eerie stage setting track that sounds like you are going back in time to Lita’s teenage years, her dad yelling about the keys to his car. From there, the album progresses as a ballad heavy, grinding 80’s romp throughout, playing out like the best of a decade. Every track on the album is placed well, with an excellent tempo throughout. A particular interest was an instrumental called “On the Fast Track” which was just that, a pick-me-up in the middle of the album, and “Mr. Corruption,” which boasts a highly chant-worth chorus. It is fun, energetic, and a good break from the heavy album. However, “Black Leather Heart” takes the cake for best song on the album with a combination of the best aspects of the previously mentioned songs and lyrics that make any person singing along feel like a bad-ass.
Lita Ford’s Time Capsule stands as a solid album for all ages. The older generation seeking nostalgia will be more than elated with this album. The younger generation listening to her music for what very well may be the first time will experience something fun and different from both the boring, shoe-gaze nonsense of “now” as well as the mildly exhausted, aged discography of their parents “then.” Lita has not necessarily out done herself this time; but just by being Lita, she’s already better than the rest.