Former bandmates Glenn Schwartz and rock legend Joe Walsh made a surprise appearance this evening at Coachella when they joined Dan Auerbach and his side project The Arcs on stage. The group performed together in the venue’s Mojave Tent
Joe Walsh and Glenn Schwartz onstage with The Arc #thearc#joewalsh#coachella#coachella2… https://t.co/pGwFTHb1SApic.twitter.com/tsIgQRoE4l
— Aaron Harris (@Jestertunes) April 17, 2016
The set was not the first time the gang jammed together. The trio performed together back in March at a secret show in Nashville.
Schwartz and Walsh’s relationship stems from their time with Cleveland-based band, The James Gang. Schwartz played guitar while Joe Walsh also played guitar and contributed vocals. In 1967, after departing from the band, Schwartz moved to California and joined Pacific Gas & Electric, and more interestingly, rock group turned cult the Church of the Rien Christ. More recently, he created family affair band, The Schwartz Brothers, with his sibling Gene.
After The James Gang broke up, Joe Walsh formed a band, Barnstorm with his college friend Joe Vitale and bassist Kenny Passarelli. Their later work featured a number of guest collaborations, including several from members of The Eagles, where the latter’s producer, Bill Szymczyk met Walsh. Szymczyk encouraged the band to invite Walsh to the band, where he later spent the greater part of his musical career.