Japan Nite, which is a showcase of the biggest and brightest bands from Japan, has been a tradition at SXSW since 1996. However, it can be a difficult process to get all of the members of the scheduled bands through customs and into the United States. This year there were some issues, leaving a few slots in the lineup vacant. Japan Nite left this post on their Facebook early on the day of the event, hinting at a surprise guest performer to fill in the empty space:
It just so happens that legendary X Japan drummer and solo musician Yoshiki was in Austin this weeke to perform at SXSW following one of the screenings of his new film, “We Are X.” As serendipitous as it may seem, his presence in Central Texas on the evening of Japan Nite made him the ideal fill-in.
In addition to Yoshiki, Tempalay, Rei, Reatmo and Jungles!!! performed at the showcase. Japan Nite will continue to tour around the country, with stops in New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Long Beach and San Francisco.