AMTHST – Euphoria

A Different Approach

A joint EP that will drop on February 17th isn’t the typical hip-hop sound. The Producer/rapper Droop-E and singer Nite Jewel collaborated together to create AMTHST. Nite Jewel is a singer-songwriter producer from LA, while Droop-E is from the Bay Area in California. The Euphoria EP will drop on E-40’s label Sick Wid It. That goes to mention that E-40 is Droop-E’s dad. Convenient isn’t it?

Nite Jewel’s delicate and soothing voice over the beats on the EP is very sensual for the ears to listen to. Although there isn’t much of a hip-hop beat to the mix-tape, being that Droop-E is a rap artist. On the first song they dropped, “ Thug Passion,” listeners will be able to fully engage on the smooth sounds from Jewel that sets the mood for a small get together with friends.

The melodies throughout the EP all flow within each other, and can be somewhat tiresome to the listener. There isn’t really any change to the mood with each song. Yes, Jewel’s voice is lovely, but after awhile it’ll put you to sleep.

The beats within the tracks appear somewhat off. It seems as if the two artists tried too hard to be different, resulting in a sound that got a bit sloppy and mixed up. The odd measure beats can be a bit discomforting and possibly throw the listener off.

As for Droop-E, with his background as a rap artist, it’s certainly a different approach to what he is familiar with. Usually Droop-E’s sound is more along the lines of hardcore hip-hop. There’s nothing wrong with switching it up now and then, but there is such a continuous sound through this EP.

Hopefully there will be more songs added after the EP is released. It can go either way for the listener as to whether they will love it or hate it.

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