Something curious was going dwon on Reddit yesterday, and Hudson Mohawke is at the center of all the talk.
Yesterday, multiple Hudson Mohawke beats appeared on Reddit yesterday within an album that was curiously titled, frank oOOOOoocean. The Fader received confirmation from a close source that the beats were in fact Hudson’s, but would not comment on who the beats were made for.
The thread holding the beats was then deleted, but then reappeared with the title HudMo 4 Frank Ocean, also according to The Fader. TNGHT, which is a project collaboration between Mohawke and Lunice, retweeted a Reddit tweet about the beats, but oddly enough, that retweet has since been taken down. What’s going on with these beats!? Are the beats for Frank Ocean?
Hudson Mohawke is from Scottland and has made in mark on the music scene in many capacities including producing, songwriting and dj’ing.