Photo Credit: Marv Watson
While Tool is preparing to kick off their tour in January, guitarist Adam Jones spoke to Rolling Stone speaking about what’s to come of their tour and album.
When asked about the new album, Jones spoke to Kory Grow of Rolling Stone, saying, “We probably have 20 potential song ideas now. Of course, 20 won’t be on the record. We’re just jamming. But I’ll tell you, there’s nothing better than having too many good songs then not enough. It’s great. You pick your faves.”
When asked about the upcoming tour, Jones said, “The way we’ve always done our live thing is to put as much money as we can afford into the production and make it as exciting as possible,” the guitarist, 50, says. “Our whole outlook on putting out a CD or making a T-shirt or a poster or doing something live is, ‘What would you want if you went, and did you get your money’s worth or did you get more than your money’s worth?’ I don’t want to make any promises, but we try to make it a really great visual experience. To me, it’s always been the visuals are first, and seeing the band is secondary. That’s what we would want if we saw a concert.”
The band recently performed at Monster Mash where they surprised everyone and played new music. Although the band had announced earlier that “the album was going well” we hope this time it’s making actual progress.