Punk-metal supergroup Teenage Time Killers debuted their rag-tag bunch at The Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles last Saturday. The group is lead by Corrosion of Conformity drummer Reed Mullin and My Ruin guitarist Mick Murphy, who were joined on stage by a “Who’s Who” of punk and metal icons; Derik Envy of True Rivals rounded up the “house band” with Mullin and Murphy.
Trenton Rogers of Chaotic Justice started the night with “Teenage Time Killer,” the last track on TTK’s debut album. Rogers joked that he was “the teenager in Teenage Time Killer” before playing a cover of Pennywise’s “Fuck Authority.”
Johnny Weber from The Ghost of Saturday Nite played second guitar and sang his lead vocals from “Son of an Immigrant,” followed by Matt Skiba’s track on the album, “Barrio.” Weber finished with a heavy cover of Descendents’ “Myage”.
Vic Bondi (Articles of Faith) really hammered it home with a one of his own songs “What We Want Is Free” from Articles of Faith’s album Core, followed by The Stooges’ “TV Eye.”
“What an ultimate collection of misfits and weirdos,” said Clifford Dinsmore (Bl’ast!) before unleashing “Power Outage.” The Santa Cruz native also did impressive covers from Celtic Frost and Motorhead.
Former Corrosion of Conformity singer Karl Agell re-lived the old days with Mullin and played two CoC songs. The two never missed a beat and Karl had a huge grin on his face throughout the three song set.
Reed Mullin took his turn on the mic while producer John “Lou” Lousteau filled-in on drums. Mullin crushed three TTK songs and looked like he was having more fun with a mic in his hands instead of the sticks.
Mick Murphy’s better half and My Ruin bandmate Tairrie B won a few hearts out in the crowd with her cover of Mudhoney’s “Touch Me I’m Sick.”
Stahl brothers’ Pete (vocals) and Franz (guitar) made it a point to get the crowd involved. Pete spent most of his time among the audience and demanded that they replay the song “Plank Walk” when the crowd didn’t respond with enough energy.
Prong’s Tommy Victor showed off some of his guitar skills with “Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck” and Discharge’s “Doomsday.”
Municipal Waste’s Tony Foresta came out swinging with “Time to Die,” “Ignorant People” by Void, and “Don’t Tread on Me” by hardcore legends Cro-Mags.
Neil Fallon from Clutch kicked out the jams with an MC5 cover and a couple Clutch tunes. He rounded up his set with TTK’s “Crowned By The Light of the Sun.”
Punk legend Lee Ving played a handful of Fear songs before ripping through his TTK track “Big Money”.
Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe took on the classics with covers from Black Flag and Bad Brains. Blythe’s set had the most energy and was well received by the audience.
Corey Taylor from Slipknot ended the almost three hour set with a Misfits’ sing-along favorite “Where Eagles Dare.”
House Band:
Reed Mullin (CoC) – drums
Mick Murphy (My Ruin) – guitar
Derik Envy (True Rivals) – bass
Set List
Trenton Rodgers
Teenage Time Killers (TTK)
Blood Stains (Agent Orange)
Fuck Authority (Pennywise)
Johnny Weber (Ghost of Saturday Nite)
Son of an Immigrant (TTK)
Barrio (TTK)
Myage (Descendents)
Vic Bondi (Articles of Faith)
Bleeding to Death (TTK)
What We Want Is Free (Articles of Faith)
TV Eye (Stooges)
Clifford Dinsmore (Bl’ast)
Power Outage (TTK)
Procreation of the Wicked (Celtic Frost)
Dirty Love (Motorhead)
Karl Agell (King Hitter/ COC / Leadfoot / Blind)
Dance of the Dead (COC)
Vote with a Bullet (COC)
Devil in This House (TTK)
Reed Mullin (COC) (John “Lou” Lousteau drums)
Exploder (TTK)
The Dead Hand (TTK)
Say Goodbye to the Acolyte (TTK)
Tairrie B (My Ruin)
Touch Me I’m Sick (Mudhoney / My Ruin)
Moriendo Renascor (My Ruin)
Clawhoof (TTK)
Pete Stahl (Goatsnake / Scream) + Franz Stahl on guitar (Scream)
Plank Walk (TTK)
Sailin On (Bad Brains)
Came Without Warning (Scream)
Tommy Victor (Prong/Danzig)
Snap Your Fingers (Prong)
Doomsday (Discharge)
Tony Foresta (Municipal Waste / Iron Reagan)
Ignorant People (Void / TTK)
Time to Die (Void / TTK)
Don’t Tread on Me (Cro-Mags)
Neil Fallon (Clutch)
Crowned by the Light of the Sun (TTK)
Kick Out The Jams (MC5)
Animal Farm (Clutch)
Pure Rock Fury (Clutch)
Lee Ving (Fear)
I Love Livin’ in the City (Fear)
Beef Balogna (Fear)
I Don’t Care About You (Fear)
Foreign Policy (Fear)
NY’s Alright If You Like Saxophones (Fear)
Big Money (TTK)
Randy Blythe (Lamb of God)
Hung Out to Dry (TTK)
Ode to Hannity (TTK)
Attitude (Bad Brains)
The Regulator (Bad Brains)
My War (Black Flag)
Corey Taylor (Slipknot / Stone Sour)
Egobomb (TTK)
You Empty Soul (TTK)
We Got The Neutron Bomb (Weirdos)
Rise Above (Black Flag)
Where Eagles Dare (Misfits)