Canadian DJ and producer, Kid Koala plans to unveil a live-score performance for the film-adaptation of his graphic-novel, Nufonia Must Fall at the annual BAM Next Wave Festival. The multimedia performance is set to take place at the BAM Harvey Theater this September 17-19.
Directed by the ever-so-talented, K.K. Barrett, known for his oscar-nominated production and art-design for such works as: Her, Marie Antoinette, and Lost in Translation, the film-noir love story details the chance encounters of a lonely, music-crazed, headphones-sporting robot who falls head-over-heels for a winsome office-clerk.
Featuring over a dozen of finely-crafted, handheld puppets and miniature stage-sets, frame-by-frame, the heart-warming narrative will unfold to the eclectic sounds of Kid Koala and his barrage of instrumentation. Set to synchronously coincide with the action cleverly-formatted on a close-up projection within a single cinema screen, accompanied by The Afiara Quartet, the Montreal-turntablist will work his magic via an original piano and strings score by yours truly. The live-score performance will also showcase an entourage of varying live-sound effects and original turntable work.
Kid Koala, also an infamous-member of the alternative hip-hop supergroup, Deltron 3030, takes strides into left-field by performing live stage-shows in collaboration with active audience-members armed with turntables. He seeks to push creative-boundries through such live-shows at Echoplex and his 12 Bit Blues tour.